The project

Sentiero brigando (outlawed path) is a hiking route designed and developed by Cellere’s Museo del brigantaggio in order to connect the museum to Pianiano, the village where Domenico Tiburzi was born.

The itinerary, punctuated by trail signs, is divided into five main stages. It starts from the museum and crosses through the parco del Timone, touching upon several historical, naturalistic and anthropological sites. Each of the path’s stages has been enriched with stories and thematic in depth analysis from five different narrators who, because of experience or education, have long known and frequented the Cellere territory. Their voices have been documented by the museum through a video-tale that is now available to the public.
The path’s length is approximately 4 km and the entire itinerary, which has no particular difficulties, easily takes a few hours to complete.

The Sentiero brigando stages

First Stage: Cellere’s Museo del brigantaggio. Narrator: Marco D’Aureli – the museum’s director
Second Stage: Parco del Timone (Timone park). Narrator: Elena Ronca – environmental hiking guide
Third Stage: Tiburzi’s cave. Narrator: Mario Olimpieri – local historian
Fourth Stage: the Manfroni Mill. Narrator: Antonio Manfroni – Manfroni Mill
Fifth Stage: Pianiano village. Narrator: Marianna Febbi – tour guide

Download the hiking route map