Themuseum, over the years, has promoted the production of several thematic publications.

Il Catalogo (the catalogue), published in 2011, is the tool with which visitors can explore the museum’s exhibition itinerary in complete autonomy, and more. Tiburzi è vivo e lotta insieme a noi (Tiburzi is alive and fights alongside us) is the result of the meticulous orchestration of different mediums (written works, pictures, recordings of contemporary documents) and offers visitors several in depth analyses to guide them through interpreting brigandage in the Maremma as well as understanding the larger context in which this story took place.

To round up the Catalogo’s offer is the volume Il fatterello è questo. Storie e memorie contemporanee dal Museo del brigantaggio di Cellere (This is the anecdote. Stories and contemporary memories from Cellere’s Museo del brigantaggio). Part of the collection Quaderni del Sistema musicale del lago di Bolsena (Notebooks from the museum network of the Bolsena lake), this issue recounts the heritage of stories about Tiburzi that are still being told, which find room in the upper floor of the Museum.
Another Simulabo publication is the Acchiappamuseo (museum catcher), an illustrated teaching guide designed for a younger audience.

Last but not least, a short guide in english to allow foreign visitors to enjoy the exhibits.

– English museum guide

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